Friday, October 16, 2009

Technique Is Crucial When You Are Walking to Lose Weight

By Blaise Iannaci

When you're walking to lose weight, your form, pace, and breathing is especially important. Mastering a good walking technique takes some time. But with practice, it will become second nature and will help you increase and maintain your pace comfortably.

You should always be aware of a couple of things when you are walking to lose weight. Watch your form and posture, pay attention to your pace and breathing. If these techniques are in place, you will now be able to pick up your pace for maximum benefit.

Form and Posture
Form is very important as it will help you to walk faster and for longer periods of time. This way you will naturally increase the burn factor and lose weight much quicker. If your form is good you don’t get tired as fast, which means you will be able to use more of your stomach and back muscles for longer periods of time. When you do this it will increase the overall efficiency of your work out.

Follow these tips to help you improve:

Heel First: Your heel should hit the ground first. Roll your foot through to the toe. Take shorter steps. By taking shorter steps, it gives you a better work out and it is also easier on your joints.

Swing your Arms: It is best to bend your arms at a 90-degree angle and swing them toward the middle of your body, however don’t cross the center line of your body. By doing this it gives you a better aerobic workout; you will burn more calories and use more muscles in the upper part of your body. When you swing your arms for some reason, you seem to be able to move faster. Another thing to remember is do not clench your fist, curl the fist lightly.

Stretch your Spine: In order to improve and maintain your posture, stretch the spine tall. Your head should be in line with your spine, don’t tilt it back or don’t tuck your chin. If you are walking up hill during your walks you could strain your neck and it can also affect your breathing.

Contract your Stomach: When you stretch the spine it is a good idea to tighten your stomach muscle slightly which will help to support your lower back.

Pace and Breathing
Your pace, or how fast you walk, will affect your breathing. It is only natural if you are walking at a brisk pace your breathing is going get harder. This is also a great aerobic benefit to you as it gives you the same results as jogging.

Maintain a Brisk Pace: You want to walk at a brisk pace at all times. But remember you should be able to walk and talk at the same time. If you can’t talk easily just drop your pace a little until you find the right speed.

Breathe Easy: Your pace you set will increase your breathing rate. You will want to be slightly winded but comfortable. If you are breathing so hard that you can’t talk, you are overexerting yourself.

Picking up the Pace
Once you have incorporated these techniques you are ready to pick up the pace. The ultimate goal is to increase your heart rate and maintain this level for 30 to 60 minutes.
A good way to do this is after you've been walking comfortably for about five minutes, increase your speed for a minute or two, then drop back down to your steady pace.

A Heart Rate Monitor will show you that your pace is where it should be to maximize your weight loss efforts. The Bowflex Fit Trainer 10M Strapless Heart Rate Monitor Watchwill not only let you keep track of you heart rate during your walk, but it also includes a programmable heart rate zone with audible and visual alarms, as well as it counts calories and fat burned during workout! this will take all the guess work out of the equation, and it will tell you that your walking regime is going to achieve what you have set out to do - which is to lose weight while walking!

When you are walking to lose weight always challenge yourself to get the full benefit of each workout. If you use the proper techniques mentioned here and continue to challenge and change your workout intensity, you will continue to lose weight and improve your overall fitness level. Isn’t that what we all want?

I found a great website called the "" where you can read more about the BodyWeight Exercise Revolution, and download the Free Guide: BodyWeight Exercise!

For more information and tips on Walking to Lose Weight, visit my blog at:, and if you are interested in losing weight to reduce the risk of heart disease see me at

Blaise Iannaci is an internet entrepreneur who is revolutionizing the way most people make, and save money on the internet today. He is currently offering information and tips on overall Health and Wellness!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

When You Are Walking to Lose Weight Consider these Benefits As Well

By Blaise Iannaci

If you are now walking to lose weight you really have chosen an exercise that has countless benefits to your overall health as well.

When you consider walking as a way to lose weight you have chosen a very suitable form of exercise. Not only is it suitable for most people, walking is low impact and can be done at anytime and in almost any place. When you are walking to lose weight, you reduce the risk of injury which is normally associated with the more vigorous forms of exercises. If you are overweight, elderly, or if you haven’t exercised in a long time, walking is a very good choice indeed.

When you start walking to lose weight that is very commendable, but what you should also know are the other benefits associated with this type of exercise. Here are some of the benefits:

Increased Cardiovascular Fitness: Your heart which is a muscle as well as a major organ of the cardiovascular system, needs to be strengthened and trained to improve blood circulation. Walking exercises benefits the heart to help it to efficiently pump blood to the outer limbs of the body. Through exercising it helps to put more oxygen into the bloodstream which will send a good supply of oxygen to all the other organs in the body. Also when we increase our fitness level, the heart does not have to work as hard because the blood vessels are in better working condition. When the heart is fitter it means that the heart does not need to pump so often, which will lessen the strain on this organ. Also when an individual is fit, the resting heart rate is also lower.

Stronger Bones and Improved Balance: One of the best ways to build and maintain strong and healthy bones is through exercise. Bone is living tissue, which renews itself continuously; it requires regular stimulation from physical activity such as walking. Like muscles, bones should be used regularly or they will deteriorate. Weight bearing exercise such as walking is required to stimulate bone formation. Exercise such as walking when done correctly, can and will strengthen your muscles, your joints, and will also help your overall posture. When this happens it improves your balance immensely which in turns helps you to avoid unnecessary falls.

Reduce Body Fat: Walking is one of the best forms of exercise. It uses up oxygen, causing your body to burn stored fat. For example, you can burn about 100 calories by walking a mile. I know that doesn’t sound like a lot, but just think about it, most people average just less than 3 miles through the course of their day. If you add an enjoyable morning jaunt or a brisk evening walk you could easily move 4 miles a day. If you walk 4 miles 4 times a week, you can burn 1600 calories! That's half a pound of fat gone. Add more steps to your day while making sure not to eat more calories than you use, and your body can't help but trim down.

Walking also strengthens muscles, which tones and shapes your body. The increased muscle mass boosts your metabolism. This means you burn calories long after you stop moving. You don't have to do all of your walking in a single period. Try breaking your walks into smaller segments throughout the day. As you can see, walking has many health benefits and it will help you to achieve your weight loss goal.

If however you want to fast track your results, you may want to consider complimenting your walking regime with a system which will help you to gain muscle and burn off excess body fat at a much quicker pace. I found a great website called the "" where you can read more about the Burn The Fat and Feed The Muscle's Techniques, and download the Free Fat Loss Report!

For more information and tips on how to lose weight, see, and if you are interested in losing weight to reduce the risk of heart disease see me at

Blaise Iannaci is an internet entrepreneur who is revolutionizing the way most people make, and save money on the internet today. He is currently offering information and tips on overall Health and Wellness!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Walking to Lose Weight . . . Is It An Effective Method?

By Blaise Iannaci

If you are walking to lose weight, you may just burn well over 100,000 calories annually without dieting. This could mean you might lose 28 pounds in a year. Maybe that is why the health experts are saying “walking is the best exercise”.

When walking to lose weight, if you were to up the tempo and walk at a brisk pace for an hour a day, everyday, the results could be significantly higher.

If you want the optimum benefits of walking to lose weight, instead of losing 28 pounds a year try reducing your calories by 200 per day and this could mean you losing 50 pounds in the same year. That is really something to consider.

As they say, “back in the day” before the automobile or bicycles, the only means of getting around was walking. Right now the majority of people only walk when they absolutely have to. If anyone wants to lose weight and become healthier it may be a good idea to change the way we think about walking.

The great thing about walking is you can start at your own pace and gradually increase your speed while trying to lose weight. Another nice thing about walking is you can do this almost anywhere. If you live in the city, most have walking paths you can use, or walk through the many parks the city has for the public. If you are into nature, you can walk on wooded trails or mountain trails if available. Another form of walking would be with a treadmill, which allows you to continue with your walking regime if the weather does not permit outdoor activities. Walking does not require any special equipment other than a good pair of walking shoes.

One very important factor while walking to lose weight is to do it consistently. Walking can be done on a daily basis with very little effort on your part. If you want to make this a more enjoyable form of exercise, find a partner or join a walking group in your area. If you prefer to walk alone, carry an iPod or some other device to add some music while walking. A good idea when you use music is to keep it upbeat and fast, you may find this is a natural way to increase your tempo which in turn will lead to more calories burned.

Walking is still considered one of the most beneficial cardiovascular exercises for people of all ages, body types, and fitness levels. As a fundamental form of aerobic training, walking has numerous physical benefits for the heart, lungs, and circulatory system, while also increasing muscle tone and burning fat calories. Treadmills can provide a convenient way to regularly exercise in all weather conditions in the comfort and safety of your own home.

I found a great product to get in shape without breaking the bank - the Merit Fitness 715T Treadmill. A great choice for both walkers and recreational runners, the 715T offers a 1.25-horsepower continuous-duty motor, with a speed range of 0.5 to 10 miles per hour and an elevation range of 0 to 10 percent. The computer console, meanwhile, includes three LED windows that track your resistance level, speed, time, and distance, along with four quick keys for instant adjustments. Other details include two cup holders, a thumb pulse heart rate monitor, a fold-up frame, and four preset programs: manual, intervals, rolling hills, and weight loss.

Along with planning a walking regime, make it a habit to walk instead of driving when ever possible. Some examples would be to walk to the store and when parking at the mall, park as far away from the doors as possible and walk in. If you have to shop in a downtown area, park your car once and walk to all the various stores rather than driving to each store. During your work day try and take a brisk walk after eating your lunch instead of chatting, reading or whatever it is you do now.

When you are walking to lose weight, try and find the enjoyment in this form of exercise. Relax, breathe easy and loosen up. You may just find yourself enjoying it so much that you may eventually forget that it is a form of exercise and incorporate into your daily routine.

If you are interested in losing weight at a much quicker pace, check out this great website called the "" where you can read more about the Losing Fat and Gaining Muscle with Turbulence Training, and download some Free Reports about Turbulence Training Workouts!

For more information and tips on how to lose weight, see, and if you are interested in losing weight to reduce the risk of heart disease see me at

Blaise Iannaci is an internet entrepreneur who is revolutionizing the way most people make, and save money on the internet today. He is currently offering information and tips on overall Health and Wellness!